Brandon Ellis

Brandon Ellis

This weeks article is about a wonderful show called Bandstand. Bandstand is about a group of vets from Cleveland Ohio, (where I'm from as well) that comes together to form a swing band. After that very brief description, I am very excited to introduce the cast member interviewee this week, Brandon Ellis! Brandon generously answered a few interview questions which give a new look in on the show. 

This photo was taken by Walter McBride, and is uploaded to Broadway Worlds website.

This photo was taken by Walter McBride, and is uploaded to Broadway Worlds website.

Q: What is Bandstand about, and how would you describe the show to someone who has never heard of it? 

A: Bandstand is about a group of Veterans dealing with reintegrating into society after WW2 who get brought together to by Donny Novitski to form a Swing band. Through the music they find heeling and redemption. 

Q: How did you get to where you are now in Bandstand? Was there a certain audition process? 

        A: I auditioned for the developmental lab of Bandstand in 2015 and have been attached since then. We had to re-audition for the Papermill production and the callback process was extensive. The final callback was a big room full of guys jamming to big band music from the show. It was awesome.

Q: Who do you play in Bandstand? How would you describe your role? 

        A: I play Davy Zlatic-the Bass player for the Donny Nova Band. Davy is a complicated dude. He was on the team that liberated the Dachau concentration camp and hasn't been able to move passed what that did to him. To cope he wears the mask of the joker and self medicates with alcohol. As with most comedians he is masking a deep darkness. He just wants to keep the party going at all times because if it stops he'll have to face his demons. So it's music, drinks and jokes all the time.

Q: Do you think that through the choreography and music you’ve learned and played for Bandstand, you find yourself a little in each song you perform? 

        A: Absolutely. Andy made a point for us to find a piece of our characters in every dance number or song we are in.

Q: Bandstand has Tony Award winning choreography, and a ton of movement.  Do you have any rituals or warm ups to prepare yourself for each show? 

        A: Yeah I have a vocal warm up and a physical warm up that I do. My physical warm up is usually going to the gym and then coming home and warming up my voice in the shower before the show. When I get to the theatre I foam roll and do some mobility stuff.

Q: Bandstand is a very popular show with a huge fandom surrounding it. How does it make you feel to have people love the show you’re in? 

        A: It's pretty darn amazing and I'm so thankful for it.

Q: What do you think makes Bandstand the show that it is? (music, costumes, actors, etc.) 

        A: Everyone who was involved in creating was 100% committed to telling an important story. I see that commitment on stage every night.

Q: What does Bandstand’s message mean to you in today’s society? 

        A: I think we can all identify with the redemptive and healing quality of the arts in our lives.

Bandstand means very much to Brandon, someone in the show, but what does it mean to a dedicated fan? See Abby DePhllips's Bandstand interview coming soon... 

A Quick Message...

Hey Guys! Thanks for reading this week! I hope you enjoyed this weeks article. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this message as well :) I am having such an incredible time putting these articles together, love you guys! Make sure to give Brandon a follow on instagram and give Abby a follow as well.                                                                                                               

Have an incredible week! -Rachel                                        





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